Window Sitter World

Web Forum
Standalone Programs
Otaku Mascot Files
ActMink Files
ActWin2 Files
ActWin32 Files
Sadly, links rot, sites die, and files are lost to time, but you may be able to help!

Below is a list of some notable Window Sitters that I've been unable to track down, however, if you have any Window Sitter at all that's not currently on this site, please let me know!

Window Sitter World's Most Wanted:

  • the trial program and CD mentioned here

  • Any WinTop2 stuff
  • VisualBasic version of TinaSitter - Found; upload soon
  • More ActWin Window Sitters available in AW format (I know they're out there somewhere... The ActWin32 loader includes an image of a tonnnn of them) UPDATE: Most of these have been found! See here for details
  • More MindFocus stuff (I seem to recall there being a few links missing)
  • A version of ActWin's Multi program without most outfits greyed outThis AW file contains the missing outfits!
  • There's two missing ActMink Window Sitters contained within archives named "nachi.lzh" and "DarlingHeart.lzh" (the top two entries on this page)
  • ActX Modules actx-module-usamai.tar.gz and actx-module-noemi.tar.gz from this page.
  • ActX packages/binaries for NEWS-5000, Debian, Red Hat, and FreeBSD (this page provides links to these missing builds) along with the mascots only released on the ActX CDs (basically everything here) though a lot of these seem to be available in converted form for MaCoPiX UPDATE: I have managed to get 2 ActX CDs and will be dumping them soon!
  • NokkariChara's latest version (which is at least 1.40) and most of its characters seem lost to time. This page lists quite a few mascots, but only four are currently found. UPDATE: I have managed to get several CDs and a floppy with window sitters and will be dumping them soon!

All available files are property of their respective owners and are provided for achival and historical purposes

Window Sitter World (c) 2023
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