Window Sitter World

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Standalone Programs
Otaku Mascot Files
ActMink Files
ActWin2 Files
ActWin32 Files
Standalone Programs
Here you will find Window Sitters whose content is built into their executable; there are no required loaders or files to load.

NameImageDescriptionOSOpen Source
Love Hina A pack of Window Sitters from anime Love Hina.WindowsNo
Negima! A pack of Window Sitters from Negima!?WindowsNo
Chobits A pack of Chobits Window SittersWindowsNo
ActWin32 Multi (English) An ActWin32 Window Sitter of Multi from To Heart that's been translated into English.WindowsNo
ActWin32 Multi An ActWin32 Window Sitter of Multi from To Heart.WindowsNo
ActWin32 Multi Another ActWin32 Window Sitter of Multi from To Heart, but this one has most outfit options greyed out (a version without those options greyed out is on the Wanted list)WindowsNo
ActWin Sakura (English) An ActWin mascot of Sakura from Sakura Wars that's been translated to English. Do note however that this is a 16-bit program, and will not work in modern Windows.WindowsNo
ActWin Sakura An ActWin mascot of Sakura from Sakura Wars. Do note however that this is a 16-bit program, and will not work in modern Windows.WindowsNo
Tina Sitter (C#) A window sitter written C# that's inspired by the ActWin Multi window sitter. Windows (dotnet)No
Tina Sitter (VB6) An older version of Tina Sitter written in Visual Basic 6. Note that while it does open in modern windows, there's a strange bug that causes a border around the character.

Also strange is that a lot of the outfits don't appear to be registered inside the file; some work will need to be done to get them to work again.
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All available files are property of their respective owners and are provided for achival and historical purposes

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