Window Sitter World

Web Forum
Standalone Programs
Otaku Mascot Files
ActMink Files
ActWin2 Files
ActWin32 Files
Here you will find programs that are capable of loading specific Window Sitter files.

NameImageDescriptionOSOpen Source
Otaku Mascot Loader The official program that can load Otaku Mascots. Works on Windows 95 and above. It can also import ActX mascots.WindowsNo
ActMink ActMink is a loader that can load files with the .ams extension. The latest version available contains a built-in mascot.WindowsYes
ActWin2 This is an older 16-bit version of ActWin that uses a completely different version of the AW format, and only runs correctly on Windows 3.1/9x. Use ActWin32 for Windows 2000-11.WindowsNo
ActWin32 This is a 32-bit version of ActWin that can load mascots with the .aw extension.WindowsNo
DeskPet This program lets you simply open any image and use it as a Window Sitter. It includes a picture of a dog built-in. It doesn't support any animations though, and only works on Windows that support .NET 6.Windows (dotnet)No
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