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Topic: More .AW files!
wy Hello! :) I found after finding the Evangelion ones and wanting to learn more about them and Elemental Soft's products. I found this on while looking for more of their products, and it has 6 more .AW files! / (The window sitters were uploaded on their own too too.)

There are 8 .AW files included, the Asuka and Rei window sitters already uploaded to the site (ASUKA3.AW and REI3.AW) are there, but the rest are new. I tried to identify each of the characters but I'm not totally sure about them all, but the new files are:
- (Iris Chateaubriand from Sakura Wars)
- MULTISP.AW (Multi from To Heart, it's the same as one of the multi standalone programs)
- RISYU.AW (Rishu from Mamotte Shugogetten)
- (Sakura from Sakura Wars, probably the same as the standalone program)
- (Shiho from To Heart)
- (Tomoko from To Heart)

There's also another ActWin32 executable, it seems like its the same as the one on the site except it doesn't have the transparency settings. Suruga-ya has a couple of other discs by Elemental Soft listed that look similar to this one, so those might have more .AW files.

Also, it looks like the ActWin32 standalone files, the ones that can be run on modern windows, have .AW files in them that can be extracted. I put both the standalone Multi window sitters into resource hacker and there was a folder called something like AWDATA, and I saved the resource inside as a .bin resource. After that, I changed the extension to .AW and it loaded into ActWin32 just fine! This doesn't fix the Multi window sitter with the clothing options greyed out though, the greyed out options are just gone.
Date: 2024-04-30 00:06:17
NinCollin Oh hell yeah! Extremely much appreciated!! :D

And amazing work figuring out that you can extract the AW files from the standalone ActWin32 executables. The big question is whether they're equally as easy to extract from the older standalone evangelion ones that don't run on modern windows (which I wanna say are ActWin2, but I could be wrong). I haven't added the old standalone evangelion ones to the site yet (mainly because they only work on windows 3.1 and 9x and are a pain to get screenshots of).

Here's a download link to those old standalone evangelion ones I haven't uploaded to the site yet. There seems to be a few missing given the fold er names.

But yeah I'll definitely add your findings to the site at some point (I have some other window sitter things I still need to add too....)
Date: 2024-05-01 05:01:02
NinCollin Well, holy crap!!!!!

That link got me curious, so I decided to start looking around, and found the discs that Suruga-ya had for sale

I bought all 5 and will be dumping and uploading them! :D

I know one of them is already on (and is the one you linked) but I want to make a proper ISO dump
Date: 2024-05-08 06:02:34
NinCollin Went on mercari and found one more
However, the title of it matches one of the ones i purchased above, but with a different cover picture

i'm not risking not buying it though in case there's a chance its different (and even if the files aren't different, this particular collection is on floppy so there's a chance it might be a dud)
Date: 2024-05-08 06:37:05
NinCollin Update: I still have a couple more floppies on the way, but here's an interesting update

On elemental soft's website, there was a screenshot of a file listing of some released ActWin files, and here's what I've recovered so far!
Only a few files shown in this image are still missing

Here's all the ActWin files I've found so far. (note that there are some duplicates, but some of these duplicates are different versions)
There's apparently two different AW file formats, ActWin32 (used with the version of the loader on the website) and ActWin2 files (which used an older version of the loader, but can be converted to the newer format with a tool called awconvert)

All this stuff will be uploaded to the site eventually (and i'll upload full disk images elsewhere to for archival purposes)
Date: 2024-05-29 19:12:19
NinCollin I've uploaded almost all the ActWin32 files I have so far to the site now! Check it out!

As of writing this, there are now 48 ActWin32 files uploaded. I have one more to add (once I can figure out where it's from) as well as some older ActWin2 versions to upload (which aren't any new characters, but rather an older version of the AW format for an older version of the loader)
Date: 2024-06-09 06:54:38

All available files are property of their respective owners and are provided for achival and historical purposes

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